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Yingfluencer | 跨文化国际青年一起体验中国文化 共庆中秋与国际和平日

Why Cartoons Can Effectively Bridge the World Together
Growing up as a young kid we often got nagged by our parents, teachers, and elders in the family to limit the number of cartoons we...

We Need Equality in Leadership, and We Need it Now
Human beings have a strange history of following a particular trend right or wrong for as long as they can until an individual or a group...

Winning vs Bridge Building: Why Education as we know it needs a massive shake-up
You are born to parents who could be doctors, lawyers, business executives, or small business owners, and your parents have great hopes...

Want to understand the world better? Try being an international voluntourist
It’s kind of sad to be writing an article that will focus so much on traveling given the current predicament we all find ourselves in!...

Revisiting the best way to Bridge Building: Cultural intelligence
In 1957 an American entrepreneur named Russel Simmons was quoted saying “If we are open and we prepare for promoting dialogue and love,...

We Need to Build Bridges Through Responsible Leadership
The 6th President of the United States of America, John Quincy Adams famously said “If your actions inspire others to dream more, learn...

Building bridges together by resetting the global relationship landscape
The value of relationships The value of relations can be dated far back into ancient history, a recent history of wars, the development...

Create Your Own "Yingfluence"--OSG Interview with Yingying Li
(翻译:阿泽) 杂志封面: 构建“全球文化经纪人”计划 跨文化交流是地球村民的归宿 文化情商助你获全球事业成功 创造你自己的“莹响力” “跨文化领导力”对于想要扭转在当今多维度和全球化背景下不利局势的领导者们来说,不可或缺。---李莹莹...

“More than just economic prosperity”—A New way to look at the Creator Economy
“How can there be peace in the world if we don’t understand each other, and how can we understand each other if we don’t know each...

Could the creator economy create a global culture fit?
What is the creator economy? I am sure you have heard of the creator economy and its unlimited possibilities! No? Ok, let’s have a quick...

Results of selection of outstanding "30 under 30" Chinese entrepreneurs in the U.S. in 201
人民网3月19日电 (张洁娴)2018年度华裔“30位30岁以下优秀创业者”(AACYF 30 under 30)评选,历时近3个月,从近900名优秀候选人中评选出31位来自不同行业领域的30岁以下杰出创业者,今日在美国洛杉矶公布获奖者名单。这是在全美、也是在海外第一个专门...
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